Important Investigative Points
Search Warrants
In considering any legal request for information, MEGA starts from the position that user data and account information is private, so disclosure is only warranted in cases of clearly illegal activity. Even in such cases, as all files and chats stored by MEGA are user-encrypted, MEGA is still limited in what information it is able to provide.
Evidence Preservation
MEGA stores the majority of the account data online on their servers. However, there is the ability to save files for off-line viewing. If this has happened you should be able to preserve the evidence with a typical forensic extraction. If the evidence is still in the cloud you may be able to preserve it with a tool such as "Linked Screen Capture" From Datapilot. You can get a free 60 day trial with our free course.
Locating Contraband
One of the key features of Mega is the ability to share your files with a download link. Because of this, these links can be saved to word documents, powerpoints and more. Specifically we have seen individuals save these links to their "Notes" applications on their mobile devices.