Cryptocurrency scams increase 45 percent over the course of 2023

SALT LAKE CITY (KUTV) —While some have raked in profits from cryptocurrencies in recent years, FBI officials said it has come with an explosion of crypt related scams.
Sep 29 / KUTV
Over 2023, FBI officials said victims reported $5.6 billion stolen in crypto scams across the United States.

Much of that was connected to investment scams as fraudsters targeted people eager to jump on the crypto bandwagon in a desire to "get rich quick."

This is the first time the FBI has published a report specifically focused on crypto-related fraud.
FBI officials said they want more people to know about these scams and for victims to more quickly report this kind of fraud when it happens to them.

According to the FBI's report, in 2023 they received 637 complaints of fraud in Utah, and that people in the state lost $36,098,268 to crypto scams.